Yea! My brick are finally here! Hopefully they will start in the morning if the brick are dry.
I had a hard time finding the exact brick I wanted. I love St.. Michael's catholic church(st florian)...always have. I have driven by 400 times looking at the brick and stone on that church hoping that one day I could find that brick/morter/stone combo. That brick is somewhere around 100 years old so they don't make it anymore obviously. I finally found this one and I love it!
As far as the rest of the house...I am waiting on my stinking plumber to actually do his job. He has almost been fired too many times. I will call him "Bob". He promises he will finish tomorrow....we will see if he shows. If "Bob" doesn't show tomorrow I will be fit to be tied. As Josh is telling everyone involved in the house..."don't get the Warden mad!" The electrician has had so much to do with all of Josh's whole house audio and surround sound. He is working Saturday and will be finished!!! Thank goodness! The insulation will be in Monday and Tuesday then the drywall can start tuesday or wednesday! I hope and pray we can be in around Christmas/new years. I will be so sad if we don't get to enjoy the house before we have to head back to Florida. But props again to my Diddy for building this thing with another full-time job!
I'm so glad you're blogging again---and your house is gonna be beautiful! I'll have to get you a little step stool to put in front of your door so you can see who's there! HA! I look forward to seeing the progress of the house on your blog----and Rhett is a doll by the way! He's gonna be a heartbreaker!