Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well, this morning I was feeling more energetic than normal. I thought, now is a good time to start back my workouts. I have been pretty bad since I left Florence because I have no one to keep Rhett while I go. So, I found a Gold's 6/10 of a mile from our condo...pretty convenient huh? They even have a kids club for Rhett. Josh was home but I decided to give him a break and take Rhett to play with other kids. Well off I went. Arrived right in time for Body Pump, filled out a little paper work then took Rhett to the kids club. I filled out a little form for Rhett and checked him in. I told the lady it was my first time at the club....she informed me of the fee for next time($3). OK, Rhett reluctantly found toys and went to town playing. I left and went to Body Pump. I picked up right where I left and was feeling really good during the work out. Then, I got all muscles shut down feeling very fatigued. I overdid myself. SHOOT! I scooted out a few minutes early and caught my breath. I walked down to get Rhett and he was BAWLING!!!!! I mean he was snubbing and couldn't breathe!!! He was standing ALL alone. He never cries!!! I have NEVER seen him cry like this! INSTANTLY I started crying. I asked them how long he had been crying and they just SHRUGGED their shoulders and told me they tried to find me. Hysterically, I told them I was in Body Pump. They said we put his name up.

WHAT?!!!!! Put his name up? What does this mean? Then a girl picking up her little boys said, "Is his name Rhett?" Oh my goodness, I didn't see his name! I was in the VERY back with about 50 girls how was I suppose to see it? It is a card that they put in the window. If you saw this place you would is one big solid window in a huge room with a hundred posters and signs!
Anyway, I have never cried like I cried today. I know, I didn't know he was crying. Obviously, I would have been there in a heart beat if I had only known. But Rhett didn't know that. Rhett was heart broken and just didn't understand why his Mommy had left! I asked him why he was crying and he said, "I duust..sniff, sniff.... wanted...snub,snub... my Mommy!"
Talk about heart broken. I came back to the condo and Josh thought someone had died. I literally lost it. Anyway, I think I will settle down a little and call and complain. I know they are a legit place that left out a tiny detail. But that tiny detail broke my baby's heart and nobody messes with my baby's heart!
So the moral of the story? Don't work out. I will probably even be sore tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can they really enforce this?

Saturday before Easter, I, along with Bridgett decided to take Rhett to the mall to see the Easter bunny. While I went and bought a very "Heavenly" ham, Bridgett stood in the line with Rhett. I arrived just in time for Rhett to jump in the Easter Bunny's lap. I told Bridge to take my camera and snap some outside the fence. As Rhett was sitting in the Bunny's lap I thought, "shoot, I better snap one on my phone and send it to Josh." I snapped one and put my phone in my pocket. Then the lady told me to come look at the picture she took. Of course I wasn't going to pay for a picture. I just wanted Rhett to see the Easter Bunny. I examined the picture acted interested then said, "No thanks!"
Well.....thats when it got interesting.
The lady then said, "Did you take one with your phone?" I said yes, then the other woman motioned at Bridgett and she said "SHE IS!"
Well evidentally there was a sign that said if you take a picture with your phone or camera you have to pay for a picture....then under those words it said, "SHOPLIFTERS WILL BE PROCECUTED!"
So I had to pay for a $10 off-centered faded 5x7 picture! Should Bridgett have taken the picture form Victoria's Secret and zoomed in? Would Victoria's Secret thought she was taking pics of underwear and made her pay for them?
Can you really enforce that rule? Would they have arrested me for SHOPLIFTING?
So now we have to even be careful of what we take pictures of? Can I take a picture of Josh playing baseball? Will MLB arrest me? How far will people go? Have any of you ever had a similar thing happen to you?
I told them gently how I felt... after all, Rhett had his picture taken with Easter bunny in Florida last year and you could stand there and take as many pics as you wanted! I really didn't want to cause a scene so I paid them my $10 plus tax.....and left feeling discouraged, wronged, cheated.....and a wee bit ticked.
Is it that big of a deal? In the whole scheme of things? No, of course not. But these are just the type of things that just really drive me crazy. I have had plenty of's return know, just customer service issues in general.
What do you think??